For sale - Rams

2024 Rams Sale Group
2024 Annual On-Property Ram Sale
We welcome all current, past and prospective clients to our 2024 Annual On-Property Sale
Inspections from 10.00am
Auction starts 1.00pm
132 Rams
For this year at Hill Padua Polls were offering 132 Rams with excellent genetics and full ASBV’s backed by Genomic testing. Selected out of 700 Rams, the final Sale Team is based on the better performance Hill Padua Rams on ASBV’s, Genomic testing and a strict classing on conformation.
We will also be attending the following field days;
Dowerin GWN7 Machinery Field Days – August 30 & 31
On Farm pre sale-day review can be arranged. Call Anthony 0427 541 155 or Fred 0427 541 707.
A copy of our Sale Catalogue can be downloaded HERE
A copy of our AI and Semen Sire’s Rams list can be downloaded HERE
2018 Sale Group
We have been busy doing all our measurement on the rams and ewes over the last 12 months for the ASBV’s and after a small delay due to a technical hitch we have finally received our ASBV’s from Sheep Genetics. Ken has also been and classed the ram and our preliminary sale catalogue is now available. Our figure do really speak for themselves with lots of colour in our catalogue due to a lot of the rams falling in the top percentile bands in Australia giving us confidence that we are heading in the right direction in our breeding program to achieve constant improvement in developing a highly profitable multi purpose merino that can perform in any environment.
A full copy of the sheep genetics ASBV’s can be download HERE, but make sure you have plenty of paper.
Hill Padua Polls MPM Ram Sale, 23rd September 2019
Our ram sale date this year is on the 23rd of September, 2019 with 124 rams available at auction. The rams will be penned for inspection by 10.30 am with the sale due to start at 1.00 pm. lunch and drinks are available on the day and everyone is welcome, even if its just for a look.
We have been busy doing all our measurement on the rams and ewes over the last 12 months for the ASBV’s and after a small delay due to a technical hitch we have finally received our ASBV’s from Sheep Genetics. Ken has also been and classed the ram and our preliminary sale catalogue is now available. Our figure do really speak for themselves with lots of colour in our catalogue due to a lot of the rams falling in the top percentile bands in Australia giving us confidence that we are heading in the right direction in our breeding program to achieve constant improvement in developing a highly profitable multi purpose merino that can perform in any environment.
A full copy of the sheep genetics ASBV’s can be download HERE, but make sure you have plenty of paper.
Hill Padua Polls MPM Ram Sale, 23rd September 2019
Our ram sale date this year is on the 23rd of September, 2019 with 124 rams available at auction. The rams will be penned for inspection by 10.30 am with the sale due to start at 1.00 pm. lunch and drinks are available on the day and everyone is welcome, even if its just for a look.

2017 Sale Group
We have completed the preliminary classing of the rams into the 2017 sale groups and have available to down load HERE a copy of the preliminary sale catalogue, an a copy of the sire group HERE
We will be displaying at Mingenew Expo again this year on the 16th and 17th of August in the new Elders sheep marquee just inside the main enterance, so if your in the area drop in and say Hi
2016 Sale team and Sires
Our on property ram sale will still be on the third Monday in September, the 19th 2016. This year we are increasing the number of rams offered to 120 due to demand.
A copy of our sale catalogue can be downloaded HERE,
Our sire list can also be downloaded HERE
This year Mingenew Expo has brought their field day forward to the 10th and 11th of August. We have a selection of sale rams, our sires and a few young ewes there for interested people that might want a preview of this year’s sale rams.

2015 Rams ASBV’s
Please click here for the 2015 rams ASBV results

2014 Ram Sale Team
Our 2014 On Farm Sale will be held on Monday September 22nd. Please CLICK HERE for further details